What one thing would you never eat for breakfast?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Go ahead and finish that third cup of coffee first.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What one thing would you never eat for breakfast?
The following joke has likely been around for ages—hopefully with a much more polished delivery. That being said, I came up with this version myself.
Q: What title would be bestowed upon a leader with absolute power over a country whose official national dish is deep-fried, grated potatoes?
A: Dictater-tot
A bit wordy, but I’m no comedian. What’s also not funny are my burgeoning flapjack skills. I never realized making pancakes was so easy. They require only 6 ingredients: flour, milk, egg, baking powder, salt, sugar. Let’s be honest, though, you also have to add bananas or chocolate chips at the very least. I quickly realized they were even simpler if you just purchase a box of pancake mix—just add water. I’m a pro at combining two ingredients. I also learned that my mother had always used boxed pancake mix while I was growing up. What a revelation! This Christmas, I was gifted a couple griddles that have already become well used. One is large enough to make multiple flapjacks simultaneously … or one supersized one. However, if there’s something I would never eat for breakfast, it’s one pancake.