What excites certain people, but completely bores you?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What excites certain people, but completely bores you?
Folks often get excited when they use rewards points to earn “free” merchandise. Bores me, though! Let’s use Starbucks as an example. I have no idea how their Star Rewards (or whatever fancy, overpriced name it has) works, but my wife occasionally informs me of a drink she got gratis. I never hesitate to tell her it wasn’t truly free. Instead, each of her previous Grande Iced Matcha, Oatmilk, Light Ice, 3 Pump Toffee Nut Syrup [whatever the hell that means?!] should be considered pro-rated, since the “free” one is a known entity. Additionally, her yearly “free” birthday drink is an expected gift, thus shouldn’t be considered a freebie. Even if Starbucks offered free drinks randomly throughout the year, they shouldn’t be considered free as long as the total number of “free” items can be relied on to stay consistent from year to year. Arguably, the sole way to get a completely free drink is for the barista to say,
“F*%k this f*%king company! I’m quitting this shitshow in 3 hours. Today’s drink is free.”
Sipping from her Venti upgrade—“Feebee” stenciled on its side—Phoebe can enjoy that truly free drink.