What do you think President Biden has hidden in his past?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What do you think President Biden has hidden in his past?
If Biden has a deeply hidden secret from his youth, it may never come to light. We didn’t yet have artificial light, let alone means of photographic or electronic evidence way back then. Fine … POTUS is young compared to those inventions. He still has a full 8 decades potentially hidden in his closet, though. What might come to light? We’ve all heard the phrase: “bide your time.” The past perfect tense being “had bided your time.” Biden should sign an executive order mandating the conjugation be “had biden your time”—much like “fall” conjugates to “had fallen.” This indelible mark on the English language could be the Joe Biden legacy. That, and being the oldest U.S. President. Perhaps somewhere in his long, long, long past—deep in a Washington closet, between a 1973 polyester leisure suit and a pair of Z. Cavaricci from 1987—is hidden his true legacy. Honestly, I haven’t watched or listened to any speeches the President’s given in the last couple years. A Republican I know, however, tells me Joe bafflingly concluded a speech with “God save the Queen.” Perhaps a former British spy?!