What is the best part about having children?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’m not kidding, I really don’t care.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the best part about having children?
Why is a “Turnover on Downs” in football not considered a turnover as far as stats are concerned? I mean, “Turnover” is right there in the damn name! I guess “Obligated Relinquishment of Pigskin Upon Failure to Advance Stipulated Average of 2.5 Yards Per Play After 4 Downs” was a bit wordy. Who do I need to contact to get my great idea implemented? I think it’s about time this oversight is remedied. And I’ll stop at nothing to see this through! If I had chosen to have children, you could be damn sure I’d inculcate them with this same drive and determination to see this mission through to the end. I suppose passing along all your deepest pet peeves is the best part about having children. I’m totally guessing here—my wife, a nullipara. Imagine the ability to mold supple, young minds to your every whim. Creating through the next generation, a version of yourself with neuroses even more deeply ingrained. Come to think of it . . . that’s pretty much why racism still exists. Yet more proof that not all my ideas are as great as they initially seem.