What would be a strange beauty secret?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I know you have a beauty of a comment just waiting to be written; don’t keep it a secret.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What would be a strange beauty secret?
Hirsute [hur-soot] is a formal, drastically underused, word for “hairy.” Since it’s rare, it doesn’t quite run the risk of becoming an eggcorn. If it were used more regularly, though, people would undoubtedly hear hirsute as “hair suit.” To all intensive purposes, I can’t think of a more perfect eggcorn. Yeah, yeah—I know the phrase is “all intents and purposes.” I was trying to slip that eggcorn in to give readers a subtle example of an eggcorn. But you had to go and point it out—blatantly ruining it! I bet you’re one of those jerks who say, “No pun intended,” and point out every time you make an otherwise smooth segue, aren’t you? If allowed to get back on track now, I’d like you to think of any movie you’ve ever seen featuring a werewolf. To be pacific, picture Michael J. Fox and his NBA-caliber hoops ability in Teen Wolf. Fox doesn’t possess the Daniel Day-Lewis levels of method acting that’d be necessary to perform the strange beauty secret of growing outrageous amounts of chest, back, arm, axillary, facial, head, pubic, and ass hair. Fox’s werewolf wore a hirsute hair suit.