What is one embarrassing thing in your bathroom?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But what else are you going to do while you’re in the bathroom?

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is one embarrassing thing in your bathroom?
There’s a Seinfeld episode where Jerry’s girlfriend dips something from his bathroom into the toilet, but refuses to tell him what. Jerry, being the neat freak he is, begins ridding the bathroom of everything imaginable. It’s ultimately unveiled to have been his toilet brush—the most under-appreciated of all bathroom tools. You use one to clean your throne on scheduled (dreaded) bathroom cleaning days. But you also employee it for spot-cleaning after a night of Taco Bell or Chipotle indulgence. A soft, ill-formed dookie creates a feces whirlpool, smearing remnants of last night’s ill-advised dinner across the bowl’s gaping mouth. One, two, even three flushes fail to wash away the horror. The toilet brush is a reminder to all who see it that the home’s owner—not unlike themselves—leave the occasional streaks that water alone cannot erase. Similarly, a toothbrush reminds all who see it of the embarrassing stench that would emanate from our mouths if not used. What of a bar of soap? A stick of deodorant? The whole of the bathroom’s contents is an amalgamation of the embarrassment that is the human body. Perhaps Jerry was on to something.