What celebrity did you wrongly think was attractive?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I wouldn’t want you worrying your pretty little head.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What celebrity did you wrongly think was attractive?
There’s really no good way to answer this! We’re all picturing a celebrity, though. Your initial impression of this celeb likely occurred right after they were all dolled up by the eventual winner of the Best Makeup and Hairstyling Oscar for that instance of magic. Impressed upon your mind as a 9 or 10, they were downgraded to a lowly 3 when seen later having not spent 5 hours in the chair. Singling out any individual as your answer to this question seems a bit harsh, even if they are rich, famous, and constantly in the public eye. They still don’t deserve such critique. Then again, most of these celebs have so much money, they can afford the world’s best therapists to help them undo the trauma caused by our answers. So here goes. Years ago, I watched the entire Mad Men series. That was the first thing I recall seeing Jon Hamm in. The consensus dictated he was a gift of pure beauty bestowed upon the world. I rolled with it, trying to convince myself that belief was legit. It’s time to speak the truth. Sorry Jon, I don’t see it!