What animal-like quality would you like to possess?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Demonstrate that you are wise–like an owl.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What animal-like quality would you like to possess?
Who’s heard of the Stanford marshmallow experiment? It was an experiment conducted in 1972 to study delayed gratification in children. Kids could eat one marshmallow now, or wait 15 minutes and be rewarded with two marshmallows. Researchers followed these kids over subsequent decades in an attempt to make correlations to their later lives. I wonder which group suffered greater rates of type 2 diabetes—those who scarfed down the sugary treat like it was about to sprout legs and run away, or the group who waited 15 minutes for twice the glycemic load. I’ve been trying a similar experiment with my dogs. I’ll offer Frankie a banana slice—his favorite snack—telling him that if he gives it to his brother, I’ll reward him with two pieces. Straight down his gullet with that first sliver every time, though. He lives for the indulgence of the moment. His actions scream, “To hell with planning for the future!” It’d be great to possess the carpe diem quality of dogs. I mean, sure, it would be nice if Frankie shared with Baron occasionally. But his selfish act of immediate gratification leaves more banana for me.