Q&complAints #083 : 3 Things Hate to Juggle

What three things would you hate to juggle?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But if you can juggle getting to the site and reading the post, surely you can comment, too.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What three things would you hate to juggle?

I learned to juggle by watching an old commercial where a guy juggles a bowling ball, a birthday cake, and a pineapple. I don’t even remember what the commercial was for. Some of these jugglers today are amazing. Penn Jillette, for example, does “broken bottle juggling.” This is exactly what the name implies—and it’s not a trick. He’s just that good, that confident—and, yes—that stupid. Imagine how many hours you’d need to practice to confidentially juggle three sharp, oddly weighted, liquor bottles. When would you find time to do anything else with your day? You certainly couldn’t juggle 1) holding down a job, 2) spending time with your family, while still 3) finding leisure time to take part in that hobby my your wife claims is becoming a bit of an obsession. Two of the 3 is tough enough. I don’t have kids. I’ll be voluntarily unemployed the moment I reach my very specific financial goals. That’ll allow far more time for whatever hobby du jour my future self undertakes at the annoyance of my future wife. [By future wife, I mean my current wife—just her future self!]