What one person or thing best represents the 1970s?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I hear people back in the ’70s loved leaving comments on the web.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What one person or thing best represents the 1970s?
Are you a member of the Hardwood Floor Faction or the Cozy Carpet Camp? Perhaps it matters which room you’re in. This isn’t the 1970s, so the bathroom should be a 100% carpet-free zone! Elsewhere, though, it’s an opinionated mixed bag. Hardwoods look great while allowing substantially easier clean-up of random spills, or those inevitable puppy poos and pees. Vacuuming carpet is on par with swiffering hardwoods, so that comes out to a wash (get it? … wash). But carpet possesses a couple notable benefits over hardwoods. Carpet is more comfortable to lay on. I hear what you’re saying: “Buy a rug, dumbass.” To which I reply: “Shut your pie hole or that dog poo on my carpet might find its way into your pillowcase.” The greatest benefit of carpet, though, is its dampening of those creaky floorboards. The only thing more annoying than knowing your next step will send another squeak through your ears, is having to deliberately sidestep said floorboard for the rest of your life. I hear what you’re saying: “Sell the house, idiot. Better yet, burn it down!” To which I reply: “Hardwood or carpet—both flammable.”