Rx #0000042 : Date of Birth


Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients
Ever heard of Dick’s Last Resort? Never been to the restaurant myself, but I love the concept. It’s like the court jester in medieval times being able to tell the King the harsh truth since everything he said was in—you guessed it—jest. Why has no pharmacy taken up this business practice? If patients expect harsh but fair truth from the pharmacy team, they’ll accept it readily.
Welcome to URxProbablyRxight. The pharmacy of the future where we provide “Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients.”

Date of Birth

[Patient]: “Good day, young man. I do believe you have some pills for me.”
[Tech]: “Alright, sir. What’s your date of birth?”
[Pt]: “Lewis. John Lewis.”
[Tech]: “Your date of birth?”
[Pt]: “You say you only have the one prescription?”
[Tech]: “No, Mr. Lewis, I need to verify your date of birth.”
[Pt]: “First name’s John.”
[Tech]: “Yes, John, I know. Date. Of. Birth. Please!”
[Pt]: “Sorry. I can’t—I’m a bit hard-of-hearing.”
[Tech]: “That’s become obvious. When was it you were born?”
[Pt]: “1325 Fairview Ave.”
[Tech]: “Birth! Born! When!? When did you take your first breath? Exit your mother? When do you blow out candles?”
[Pt]: “Should I swipe my charge card now?”
[Tech]: “What the—”
[Rph]: “Hey, Dillon. Maybe show him your license.”
[Tech]: “Worth a try, Marianne.” — “Do you have one of these, Mr. Lewis? Can I see your driver’s license?”
[Pt]: “You want to see my license?”
[Tech]: “If that’s what it takes, sure.”
[Pt]: “Here you are, young man.”
[Tech]: “01/01/34. That was easy . . . I don’t, umm, I don’t see a profile for you Mr. Lewis.”
[Pt]: “My doctor said he mailed it to the druggist a week last Friday.”
[Tech]: “Druggist? Did he send it from the 1800s? Have you ever filled here before?”
[Pt]: “I’ll just—I’ll wait for it to come by post. That must have been where he said he sent it. Never can much hear what Doc Brown says.”

. . . [As an employee at URxProbablyRxight, how do you
communicate with your hard-of-hearing patients?]

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