Rx #0000036 : SkyMed Medical Gloves


Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients
Ever heard of Dick’s Last Resort? Never been to the restaurant myself, but I love the concept. It’s like the court jester in medieval times being able to tell the King the harsh truth since everything he said was in—you guessed it—jest. Why has no pharmacy taken up this business practice? If patients expect harsh but fair truth from the pharmacy team, they’ll accept it readily.
Welcome to URxProbablyRxight. The pharmacy of the future where we provide “Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients.”

SkyMed Medical Gloves

[Rph]: “Well, Marianne, looks like you should have gotten those Hep B vaccines last year.”
[Rph 2]: “Why’s that?”
[Rph]: “Before you stuck your hands in previously bloody SkyMed gloves thousands of times.”
[Rph 2]: “Yeah, what the hell, right!?”
[Rph]: “Remember, a couple months ago, I told you those things had something majorly wrong with ‘em.”
[Rph 2]: “So disgusting! I can’t believe we used those things for months, Roger.”
[Rph]: “The ones we didn’t have to straight-up throw away because they were discolored, or melted together, or whatever.”
[Rph 2]: “Yeah, but we still tried to stuff our hands into them before finding out they were all FUBAR.”
[Rph]: “True. True. I’m just wondering how long it’ll be until people start calling us asking what brand of gloves we used while we gave them their shots.”
[Rph 2]: “Ohh my God, yeah. You think there’s gonna be all sorts of lawsuits?”
[Rph]: “How the hell’s anyone gonna sue a company in Taiwan that’s probably—”
[Rph 2]: “Thailand.”
[Rph]: “Yeah, yeah, Thailand. I mean, they’ll just go out of business. Probably already are.”
[Rph 2]: “Maybe there’ll be a class action lawsuit or something.”
[Rph]: “Class action suits do nothing but make the lawyers rich.”
[Rph 2]: “I was kinda hoping we’d get enough in damages that I’d be able to retire.”
[Rph]: “Weird . . . I wasn’t aware Hep B caused delusional thinking.”

. . . [As an employee at URxProbablyRxight, what do you feel
would be just recourse for SkyMed’s fraud?]

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