Rx #0000027 : Prescription for Condoms


Meds & Counsel without Patience for Patients
Ever heard of Dick’s Last Resort? Never been to the restaurant myself, but I love the concept. It’s like the court jester in medieval times being able to tell the King the harsh truth since everything he said was in—you guessed it—jest. Why has no pharmacy taken up this business practice? If patients expect harsh but fair truth from the pharmacy team, they’ll accept it readily.
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Prescription for Condoms

[Tech]: “Oh, geez, almost forgot. Any questions on this prescription, Molly?”
[Patient]: “No. This is so embarrassing.”
[Tech]: “Hey, if your insurance will pay for ‘em, might as well take advantage. Guess they figure it’s cheaper to shell out for condoms than to cover the resulting kid, right.”
[Pt]: “Yeah, I guess so.”
[Tech]: “Well, if your man’s got any questions later, call and ask for Roger. He even makes house calls.”
[Pt]: “Umm . . . okay, thanks. Bye.”
[Rph]: “What is wrong with you, Lesley!?”
[Tech]: “What can I say? I love my job.”
[Rph]: “I think she may have actually believed I’d come counsel her boyfriend mid-coitus.”
[Tech]: “Why wouldn’t she have? I was serious.”
[Rph]: “Wow! Anyway, does anyone else find it a bit odd that an insurance will pay for condoms for a female?”
[Tech 2]: “Why’s that odd? Like Lesley said, cheaper to pay for condoms or the pill or whatever other birth control, than to pay for a kid.”
[Rph]: “I mean the condoms are technically being used by someone else? Whatever happened to . . . here it is: Caution: Federal law prohibits the transfer of this drug to any person other than the patient for whom prescribed.
[Tech 2]: “Does it actually say that on our labels?”
[Tech]: “Wow, Kay! Who’s not paying attention to detail now?”
[Rph]: “Please, you two! Not again.”
[Tech 2]: “No worries. It’s all out of love.”
[Tech]: “But not as much love as our condom girl’s getting, apparently. We billed her dozen condoms as a 12-day supply.”
[Tech 2]: “How long would 12 condoms last you, Roger?”
[Rph]: “I’m married with 3 kids. Sadly, they’d expire long before I used all 12.”
[Tech 2]: “TMI, Roger! That was meant as a rhetorical question.”

. . . [As an employee at URxProbablyRxight—or wherever you work—what are your thoughts on insurances covering condoms?]

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