What is the best piece of advice ever given?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But my best advice to you? Start typing!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the best piece of advice ever given?
What do you do if you have a 10-figure net worth and want to make a movie about your life? Easy—write and direct a film based on your early life of writing and directing films. Maybe toward the end you throw in a scene where you get a piece of seemingly simple, yet instrumental advice. And, thus, we have The Fabelmans. It may seem a bit long at 2:31, but considering Steven Spielberg’s lengthy and prodigious career, it’s really quite short. Then again, The Fabelmans only covers up to his first year in college. There’s a chance we could be in for quite a few sequels. Sadly, though, there won’t be any sequels for David Lynch, who died in January. Lynch portrayed the role of John Ford, who gave the young Spielberg-esque character the following advice:
“When the horizon’s at the bottom, it’s interesting. When the horizon’s at the top, it’s interesting. When the horizon’s in the middle, it’s boring as shit.”
Certainly not billion-dollar advice if given to me. Yet, the talented hands of Steven Spielberg have turned it into a net worth of $5 billion … and counting.