What U.S. state has the least attractive people?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You’re a beautiful person either way–but a notch prettier to my eyes if you post a comment.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What U.S. state has the least attractive people?
Want to instantly increase your relative beauty? Forget the hassle of Botox injections. Avoid the expense of cosmetic surgery. Just visit Maine! My wife and I vacationed twice in that beautiful northeastern state. Strikingly obvious were the remarkable number of people who would make Steve Buscemi look like a solid 9 out of 10. Granted those were just 2 trips, cumulatively less than 2 weeks, in touristy areas. But still, Phoebe and I were both stone-cold 10s in Maine. Maybe all attractive people vacation in sunny locales where they can walk around nearly naked on beaches, allowing others to enjoy what would make me, by comparison, a lowly 5. Were all the blah people shipped to chilly extremes of the contiguous states? Perhaps the U.S. government destined them even farther north, but Canada wouldn’t allow them across their border. With universal health care, Canada feared the country would go bankrupt shelling out for all the necessary acne meds, plastic surgeries, and Ozempic. Desire a more permanent beauty enhancement? Move to Maine. With its reasonable cost of living, relocating to Vacationland would likely be cheaper than out-of-pocket costs for all those cosmetic surgeries.