Q&complAints #582: Family Vacation

Where is the best place to take a family vacation?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I realize you’re too busy researching all those flights and accommodations.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

Where is the best place to take a family vacation?

Gone are the days when kids were on summer break with a stay-at-home Mom, and Dad took a week of paid vacation.  Kids are in college now and want a say in where they go.  Parents are now dual breadwinners (college doesn’t pay for itself!) and struggle to finagle the same week off work.  Jeremy’s summer internship runs from the end of Spring semester through June.  Dad’s ass is always in his recliner for the final two weeks of the Tour de France in the heart of July.  Mom’s annual work trip is the last week of July.  Megan has Taylor Swift tickets each of the next three weeks; she’s not skipping those.  Audrey’s back to school for preseason soccer mid-August.  That leaves only the week of July 4th, but Dad doesn’t want to pay the holiday rates.  Then there’s the airline debate: Dad wants the cheapest flights; Mom’s used to first class; Megan demands non-stop; Audrey won’t take a red-eye; Jeremy is just upset he never got to fly Hooters Air.  They decide to each go wherever they want, whenever they can, and each send four postcards upon arrival.     

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