Q&complAints #581 : Peaceless Locale

Where is the least peaceful place in the world?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Where is the least peaceful place in the world?

You stand on the upper deck of a 150-foot yacht, staring westward at a vast, calm ocean.  A salty, dusk breeze cools your skin after a long day in the warm sun.  This is what you imagine, anyhow, yet reality sees you tossed to and fro by turbulent ocean waves.  There is no ship beneath your feet.  No life jacket hugging your chest.  You can’t even find a giant floating door to questionably hold onto while your body dangles in the frigid water.  Alone in the middle of the ocean—the least peaceful place on Earth.  At least while you retain the desire to live.  Tired and thirsty, an irrational thought pops into your head: when clothes are too big for you, you’re said to be “swimming in them.”  If your duds are too big and loose, you absolutely shouldn’t swim in them.  They’ll get water-logged and you’ll drown.  Wearing exceptionally large clothing should be known as “drowning in them.”  Your wandering mind snaps back to reality with the sensation you’re not alone.  Sharks circle below—unseen.  A peaceful calm sets in as you look west to enjoy your final sunset. 

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