Q&complAints #580 : Behind Bars

Who would you like to put behind bars immediately?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Who would you like to put behind bars immediately?

I have some follow-up inquiries about this question before I can adequately answer it.  Are we completely bypassing the 6th Amendment and sending this douchebag straight to prison?  More importantly, for how long?  Are we talking a life sentence, or will the “Go Directly to Jail.  Do Not Pass Go.  Do Not Collect $200.” inmate be out as soon as a double is rolled?  Let’s say the criminal is—completely fabricating a defendant here—a supposed billionaire ex-President.  Put him immediately behind bars … indefinitely! Realistically, he wouldn’t spend a minute behind bars, though.  Instead, he would probably just pardon himself with a tweet as casually as he would a turkey in late November.  The only crime that turkey committed was being tasty.  While we’re asking questions, do absolved turkeys get added to the official historic record of Presidential pardons?  And why do Presidents stop at saving tasty Thanksgiving turkeys from their punishment? Let’s pardon Blitzen from those early Christmas morning trespassing and vandalism charges for leaving a steaming pile on your roof.  And let the Easter bunny off the hook for littering plastic eggs all over the White House lawn.

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