Q&complAints #576 : Added Excitement

What drastic change would add excitement to a sport?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What drastic change would add excitement to a sport?

Watch a professional soccer game on TV and you’ll see perfectly straight lines and centimeter precise curves.  The lines on most of the pitches I played on in my youth looked to be painted by an exhausted, inebriated pledge during fraternity hell week.  Imagine a game played on an intentionally poorly lined field that’s taken to the extreme: touchlines like sine waves; penalty boxes oval in shape; one penalty spot 15 yards out, the other only 8 yards from goal but wildly off-centered; goalposts straddling the endline—one off the pitch, the other on it; etc.  Why stop at field markings?  Our frat boy can solicit an artsy sorority girl to convert rectangular goals into avant-garde shapes.  Teams switch sides at halftime, so each get 45 minutes of any advantage or disadvantage.  Tell me you wouldn’t pay to see professional players nonplussed by these field conditions.  Pepe, the legendary Real Madrid and Portugal defender, recently retired and deserves testimonial matches.  It’d be fitting for the master of shithousery—gaining an advantage by unfair or controversial means—to play the inaugural match on what shall henceforth be known as “Shithouse Field Soccer.” 

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