Q&complAints #571 : Banned Word

What word should be banned from general usage?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Anyway, you couldn’t write the word if you’ve banned that word from being written?
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What word should be banned from general usage?

Have you seen Guy Ritchie’s The Covenant?  I know what you’re asking: “Why the hell is his name in the film’s title?!”  I’m wondering the same thing.  If you co-write, produce, and direct a film, I suppose you have every right to name it as well.  Realistically, though, it’s likely because “Covenant” was already a rather popular title.  A quick Google search shows no fewer than three other The Covenant movies; Covenant lacking the definitive article; not to mention Alien Covenant, The Blood Covenant, The Holcroft Covenant, A Covenant with Death, Search for the Ark of the Covenant, etc.  Okay, perhaps I’m stretching with those last few, but you get the idea.  They—i.e. Guy Ritchie—needed some way to differentiate between the masses of “Covenant” films.  He’s not just some blow-hard demanding his name be said every time his film is referenced.  The question must be asked: why is “Covenant” so desirable as a title?  As my word is my bond, I pledge to you my commitment to uncover the answer. Furthermore, to ensure no future films incorporate the overused “Covenant,” I henceforth suggest banning the word from even general usage.  

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