Q&complAints #568 : House Afire

If your house was on fire, what non-living thing would you save first?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Maybe if I lit a fire under your ass …
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. . .here are my thoughts.

If your house was on fire, what non-living thing would you save first?

I’ve been journaling for about a decade and penned over 4,200 pages across 43 notebooks.  Ideas, memories, dreams, fears—you name it, it’s in those pages.  With fire raging, I assume I have only enough time to make a single rescue trip before the danger becomes too great.  Any idea how much 43 journals weigh?  Doesn’t matter; I don’t have enough hands to carry them all.  But I can grab a single thumb drive.  I’ve taken photos of every one of those journal pages and loaded them onto a drive.  I’d grab that.  Come to think of it, I should just grab the entire fire-resistant lock box it’s in.  Then I’d have a pistol to protect the important documents, jewelry, and thumb drive from any arsonist who may still be lurking outside.  I hear what you’re saying: “Just save all those files to the Cloud, dumbass!”  When you’re right, you’re right.  But the deeper contemplation here is that since the info on my drive is constantly evolving, perhaps it should be considered a living document.  In that case, I definitely change my answer to the lock box.

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