Q&complAints #566 : Paradoxical

What is the greatest paradox?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But reading, then not responding … now there’s a paradox.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the greatest paradox?

No two people see the exact same thing.  Sitting right next to my wife on the couch watching The Bear, we see totally different kitchens.  That’s not because she misplaced her glasses, while I view the chaos with 20/20 vision.  It’s because every photon that enters my eye, enters only my eye.  Those virtually countless packets of light imprinting on my retina every second are just for me—Phoebe gets her own.  On a macro scale, yes, she sees The Original Beef of Chicagoland’s exact same health code violations that I do.  But 100% of the photons she sees are hers alone.  In this way, vision is like the Ship of Theseus paradox.  In the thought experiment, components of a ship are swapped out one by one until every last piece has been replaced.  The question arises: is it the same vessel?  All the masts and sails have been replaced.  Every last nail and plank are different.  Even the anchor is new.  Surely it’s a new ship.  Then again, it looks the same.  Phoebe and I share literally no visual input, yet we see the exact same picture on the TV.  Now that’s a paradox!

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