Q&complAints #565 : Bad Ad

What is the worst placed advertisement of all time?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! UrProbablyRight.com is the world’s worst website!!! If you read, you must bleed!
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the worst placed advertisement of all time?

“There’s a reason why poor people always talkin’ about God.  Because when you ain’t got nothing, the guy promising you everything starts to sound pretty good.” 

That line is from Flamin’ Hot. Since I’m a cheap-ass who refuses to pay Hulu $10 extra per month, they incorporated advertisements partway through the film.  This included a negative political ad to not vote for some politician who gives money to “illegals”—their word, not mine.  Mind you, this movie focuses on the very “illegals” they spoke of.  Worst placed ad of all time!  Flamin’ Hot viewers should realize things turn out well for the main character because an early scene shows a flash-forward of a very successful Mexican fella.  Thus, the attack ad would be seen mainly by voters quite literally looking forward to an “illegal” achieving financial success. The lady voicing the “illegal” garbage had a tone to her voice that screamed, 

“Don’t judge me, I’m just reading copy here.  I got mouths to feed.” 

Just like the “illegal” who prayed to God for help in finding a job to feed his family. Prayers answered as the janitor became a C-suite executive.

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