Q&complAints #564: Bit More Practice

What could you be really good at with just a bit more practice?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What could you be really good at with just a bit more practice?

I need to floss more.  I’ve just never been able to make it a daily habit.  Or even a weekly habit.  If food gets stuck between a couple tootles, I’ll floss my entire mouth.  And I always floss the few days leading up to a scheduled cleaning.  Dental floss reminds me of garrote wire.  I feel a bit like an assassin whenever I unspool some.  This is another reason to have a long beard—just pluck out a hair.  Convenient, and impossible to slice through carotid arteries.  Win, win!  It’s hard to tell when you’re about to use the last bit of floss, but I always have plenty of potential flossers on my chin.  I bought a pack of floss picks about a year ago.  They’re quite convenient, but often break in the tight gaps between teeth 13, 14, and 15.  [That would have been the perfect answer to the question, “What’s your best example of TMI?”]  Despite being a poor flosser, I’ve never had the negative reinforcements of dental issues.  With just a little bit of practice, I think I could kill with floss at flossing.

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