Q&complAints #554 : Think Time

When do you do your best thinking?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! BTW, I know you’re on the toilet right now.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

When do you do your best thinking?

My wife was nude, walking around our bedroom prior to her morning shower.  I was slipping back into bed after feeding our dogs breakfast.  You didn’t really need to know those details, but it’s all the better to set the scene for what follows.  For the same reason you may right now be picturing, I began thinking of nicknames for the vagina.  There are those crass ones we’ve all heard.  The derogatory name a drunk fella might call his buddy after he struts toward the hot blonde at the end of the bar before chickening out at the last second.  Then there’s the reviled—never to be uttered (yet I will right here anyway)—C U Next Tuesday.  I’m sure you have plenty more hooha nicknames rummaging around your brain right now.  (Might I remind you about the comment section below!)  As my head eased into the pillow, a novel moniker more rapidly and surprisingly entered my brain than a fart-like rush of air forcefully escaping a vajayjay: Queen Latifah the Queefah.  Obviously, I do my best thinking in the liminal time between providing my dogs sustenance and attempting to fall back asleep. 

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