What awards show would you like to attend?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Awards may (or may not) be given for best comments.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What awards show would you like to attend?
A man in a trench coat approaches a studious young girl, arms ladened with books as she nears school. With a book of his own in hand he asks the girl,
“Ever read this one? Might be too advanced for your reading level. It won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, after all. ‘Pull it, surprise!’ Sounds like what a guy in a trench coat would say to a little girl before he flashed her his—. Oh shit!”
That man can no longer live, nor set foot within 1,000 feet of a school. He wasn’t even naked under his trench coat. He simply got a bad forecast from his WeatherBug app that rain was imminent—much preferring his trusty trench coat to an umbrella. What were they thinking when they named the Pulitzer Prize? Sure, Pulitzer was the dude’s name, so we’re stuck with that. But was the alliteration so important they had to go with Prize? Pulitzer Award or Medal were surely options. Imagine attending an October Pulitzer Prize dinner ceremony. With a slight chill in the air, some attendees will be donning trench coats. Have all those gentlemen remembered their pants?