What should never be done at a restaurant?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Either way, here’s hoping nobody pisses in your soup.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What should never be done at a restaurant?
I can’t recall the context of my wife’s warning, but she once told me you can never ask for a to-go box at a fancy restaurant. At least not if you ever plan to show your face there again. I would think it a proclamation that you so enjoy the food that throwing even a single morsel away would be a crime worthy of seppuku. In the film The Menu, we witness the sending back of an entire tasting menu at a $1,250 per head restaurant, the ordering of a no-frills cheeseburger as a substitute, culminating with the request for a doggy bag. These are three actions no snooty foodie would ever contemplate at a Michelin Star restaurant. While any of those might garner disdain from the chef and restaurant staff, their annoyance would surely pale in comparison to that of the dining companion of some numbskull who snaps a photo of every course served to him. I’m at a loss as to why a character does this in The Menu, despite knowing he won’t live through dessert. Harikari to anyone posting a photo of the latest bougie take on avocado toast!