What scent reminds you most of a departed loved one?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But, please, I’d love something to remember you by.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What scent reminds you most of a departed loved one?
I don’t recall my father showering all that often at home. I assumed he showered before leaving work each evening. His job as a millwright wasn’t one that would have allowed him to come home clean as a whistle, smelling fresh as a daisy, without a good scrubbing. Since there were four of us in a house with only a single bathroom, decreasing the number of showers each day by a quarter made logical sense. Economic sense, too. Those rare occasions when he showered at home always ended with the same unmistakable smell emanating from behind the bathroom door before it was even the slightest ajar. Anyone who has ever smelled Speed Stick Regular deodorant, knows that distinctive fragrance. And fragrance is the only acceptable term since “Fragrance” is listed as an ingredient alongside seven additional compounds common to nearly all deodorants. I cycle through multiple brands and scents of deodorant, usually alternating between 3 or 4 at any given time. Speed Stick Regular, however, is always among them. I just need to open a drawer for a fragrant reminder of my father. No need to even remove the cap.