What’s something everyone should know?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Everybody knows you should; it’s common knowledge.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What’s something everyone should know?
For ease of searchability, Dog is perhaps the worst name you could give a movie. Or is it the greatest? I’ve never bothered learning the ins and outs of search engine optimization. Each of my posts get roughly zero page views via Google searches, so maybe I should learn a little about SEO. Or I could just write something people actually want to read. Nah! All I know is if you search “Dog movie,” info about the movie Dog pops up. This is what I do with every movie I search—and it has a near 100% success rate. I should add qualifiers to every search I type. “George Washington president.” I want to know about the man, not the University. “Cornhole not porn.” Show me bean bags and boards, not ball bags and buttholes. You must protect your search history, lest you be inundated with months of advertisements for university admissions and anal beads. Hopefully only one of those originates from GWU. After watching Dog (spoiler: the dog does not die!), you’ll absolutely want to search “zip tie shoelace escape” for something everyone should know. No clue how it’ll affect your search algorithm, though.