Q&complAints #538: Alone Time

What is the best thing about being alone?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the best thing about being alone?

A pint of Jim Beam is $2.00. Librium is all the rage.  It’s the 1970s, and we’re watching The Holdovers.  Even 50+ years ago, children were assholes.  A random act of petulance saw an older prep school boy forcibly remove and throw a younger student’s mitten into a pond.  Another remarked,  

“He left you with one, so the loss would sting that much more.”   

This comment stuck out as quite wise, thus it had to be foreshadowing something to come.  Paul Giamatti’s character—for which he won the Best Actor Golden Globe—was scheduled to have four holdovers remain on campus over winter break.  This was a babysitting gig he didn’t want—one he got saddled with only hours before the break began. A fifth student was added at the very last minute, only to have the original four holdovers change their plans and leave campus.  The fifth student was the one who made that wise retort. Giamatti was left with one holdover, ruining what would otherwise be his perfect winter break: just him and his Jim, doing whatever he wanted. That sense of freedom is the best thing about being alone.


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1 thought on “Q&complAints #538: Alone Time”

  1. It’s nice to have company but sometimes alone time is needed.
    You can do what you want or do nothing at all. It’s nice to have total control sometimes and do exactly what you want, but in the long run it is also extremely nice to do something or just be alone with the person or people you choose


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