Q&complAints #536 : Overrated Musician

Who is the most overrated musician ever?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Who is the most overrated musician ever?

Douglas Adams presented 42 as the “Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything” in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.  Elvis Presley died at the age of 42 in 1977.  The novel was published in 1979.  Coincidence?!  Oddly enough, this question was not covered in the aptly named 2022 movie, Elvis.  We did, however, witness the moment that would transform music history.  A mid-1950s, sexually repressed woman has a conniption at a concert upon seeing Elvis wiggle those hips.  Her high-pitched screams greenlight another young lady to experience her own sensations somewhere beneath that ankle length swing skirt.  It spreads from one attendee to the next, soon culminating with half of American women in love with “Elvis the Pelvis.”  Not since the Salem Witch Trials has a mass hysteria so consumed a group of people.  Rather than affecting just a single village and lasting only 15 months, the mass hysteria around Elvis propagated around the globe and continues nearly 5 decades after his death.  To me, Douglas Adams was pinpointing 42 as a tipping point: the number of simultaneously orgasming women necessary to create the most overrated musician ever. 

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