Q&complAints #527 : Speed Dating

What question has likely never been asked while speed dating?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

What question has likely never been asked while speed dating?

I’ve never been speed dating.  Never will; I’m a happily married man.  I assume the goal during those awkward few minutes before a bell dings to signal the start of the next date, is to eliminate anyone possessing characteristics on your deal-breaker list.  I certainly wouldn’t want a mate who’s so hostile that living with her would be nigh impossible.  Think about this for a moment: some women have yeast infections multiple times each year, including with every course of antibiotics they take.  Others have never taken a single fluconazole 150mg tablet in their entire lives.  What can a potential partner derive from this information?  Most people might reasonably believe it’s beneficial not having unwanted fungus growing inside of you.  Thus, a fungus-resistant person would be a superior intimate partner.  But they’re thinking about it all wrong!  Fungus is content making its home just about anywhere that’s even the least bit hospitable.  Can you imagine spending the rest of your life with a woman who’s been persistently inhospitable to something as indiscriminate as fungus?  The first speed dating question I would ask is,  

“When was your most recent yeast infection?” 

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