Q&complAints #526 : Bad Words

What is the worst of the “bad words”?

Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! This is the Internet, write whatever f*ck*ng words you want.
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. . .here are my thoughts.

What is the worst of the “bad words”?

Who chooses what “bad words” are? Is there a list that gets updated every year? In 1972, George Carlin delivered his singsongy “Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television”:  

  1. Shit 
  2. Piss 
  3. F*ck 
  4. C*nt 
  5. C*cks*cker 
  6. Moth*rf*cker 
  7. Tits 

Times were somewhat different in the early 70s. F*ck can be used as virtually any part of speech, but yes, bad word. But why can’t you mention a type of long-tailed bird? It’s totally natural for those birds, and nearly every other species, to defecate. That nitrogen and phosphorous-rich feces may even fertilize some scrumptious shiitake mushrooms. There’s no way tits or shit are curse words. It pisses me off that I must piss away valuable words defending piss. Not vulgar. I’ll give you cocksucker [Editor’s note: might want to find a better way to word that!!]—but only when used as a derogatory term toward someone, not when used as a spot-on description for fellatio. If it weren’t for moth*rf*ckers, we wouldn’t have brothers and sisters. Despite that truth bomb, it’s certainly not an appropriate word. The most vulgar of words, however … never mind, I’ll C U Next Tuesday for the next Q&complAints. 

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