What is the nicest thing you have ever bought somebody?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But I’d consider it a tremendous gift if you would.
. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the nicest thing you have ever bought somebody?
I’m an American man, married to an American woman. I’m not sure if the “American” adjectives need included, but I’m not up to snuff on intricacies of other cultures. Regardless, the answer to this question should be easily sussed out. But it’s probably not what you’re thinking! Sure, a diamond engagement ring as a perpetually shining signal of commitment given to the woman who would become my wife was glitter-in-the-sun nice. What I proffer as a superior offering, though, is financially nice. And, as it so happens, is also destined for my wife. It’s something I’m actively paying for, but she has yet to receive. A gift—she better say with complete honesty—she does not look forward to getting. This is not a situation unique to Phoebe and me—any responsible adult with dependents should purchase this ultimate gift via monthly payments. These installments are made knowing you will never see reactions on the faces of family members when they are awarded this ultimate gift. The nicest thing you can buy someone—which you’ve surely figured out by now, and maybe even agree with me on—is life insurance.