What is one thing women should never do?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is one thing women should never do?
The Kroger app recently began including coupons for a free item with purchase of a second, completely unrelated item—the world’s oddest BOGO sale. One combination was exceptionally questionable: a free loaf of sliced bread with purchase of a box of tampons. Is there some correlation I’m missing? Do ovulating woman crave toast and sandwiches? The more I pondered it, though, the more I conceptualized Kroger’s intention. Perhaps this was a reminder of the less sanitary times of pre-1896 when the first commercially available, disposable pads were introduced. A nod to the luxury women have had since the invention of the tampon in 1931. How’s that, you ask? Kroger is referencing that prior to 1896, for optimal sanitary control of menstrual blood, a woman had to tuck a slice of bread in her bloomers. I have no idea where Kroger gets its “facts,” but never do that ladies! More factual bad news: the first automatically sliced commercial loaves of bread weren’t produced until 1928. Until then, ladies had to do the slicing themselves. Now that’s an inconvenience! Tampons and a free loaf of sliced bread … the best thing since sliced bread.