What person or company would you like to sue, and for what reason?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Please tell me I haven’t infringed on any of your copyrights.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What person or company would you like to sue, and for what reason?
We were taught fractions starting in grade school. Write an answer as 9/12, you’d likely not get full credit even if the answer was three-quarters. Points were deducted because we were taught to always, ALWAYS, ALWAYS simplify fractions to lowest terms—9/12 reduces to 3/4. Never once did a math teacher mention life’s single caveat to ALWAYS!! Long ago—back when the only option for paying a credit card was mailing a check—I dutifully followed this reductive mathematical rule. I have no memory of what the total was, but the penny column was an even number—let’s say $32.74. I wrote out:
Thirty-two and 37/50————————–
Apparently banks hire people who didn’t pass 3rd grade, because they sure didn’t appreciate my diligence in simplifying the fraction. Despite clearly writing the amount out numerically as $32.74, the check was cashed for $32.37, leaving me a past due credit card balance of $0.37. Come to think of it, that was certainly the sinister doings of the credit card company. They were able to charge this deadbeat a minimum finance charge far exceeding $0.37. I smell a class action lawsuit!
Only you would do that.
Let this be a lesson to you, kids. Never trust your teachers!