What is the least intellectual show on television?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! If you squint hard enough, that big box down there can look like a TV screen.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the least intellectual show on television?
I learned a few years ago that the order of Jeopardy! and Wheel of Fortune differ depending on where you live. They occupy the same two time slots, just flipped as to which one’s shown first. I immediately wondered why this was. Quickly, though, I forgot all about that question and thought that you could really seem smart if you somehow watch Jeopardy! in the earlier slot, then watch it live with someone the next half hour. My limited research shows that Wheel of Fortune is more likely to be broadcast first in rural areas, while Jeopardy! takes precedence in urban sectors. Television stations want as many sets tuned in for the longest time possible. Advertisers only know how many televisions are tuned in, not the number of eyes actively viewing. It makes financial sense to put the more popular program on earlier to maximize the potential for TVs to simply be left on with nobody watching. Free ad money! Which was televised first where you grew up? How about now? To those of you who watch the program with that big, fancy wheel first, sorry if I used any big words.
survivor. It just is
Can’t say I’ve watched any of its, what, 40 seasons!?