What TV show would you love to be a contestant on?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! [The Amazing] Race on down to the comments and let your [The] Voice be heard.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What TV show would you love to be a contestant on?
There was a new twist in Season 15 of American Ninja Warrior—a show I’d love to compete on. Competitors raced side-by-side on two courses—the victor advanced; the loser was eliminated. Competition had been done this way for years in the Junior version of the show—9 to 14-year-olds crushing obstacles you convince yourself you’d have been able to complete during your prime years. That’s fine—we all occasionally lie to ourselves. I’m not a fan of these races. Nor am I a fan of only awarding a single $1 million prize if more than one athlete achieves Total Victory—which happened this season. A difference of 1.24 seconds in climbing a 75-foot rope resulted in a 7-figure difference in bank accounts. One person’s success spelling the failure of another goes against the ANW ethos of community, cooperation, and applauding the successes of your fellow competitors. It’s hypocritical to change from cheering on a training partner during their Qualifying run, to secretly hoping they hit the water when paired against them in City Finals. Hell, I’d pray for their cardiac arrest if $1 million was on the line!
I could never do American ninga warrior. Never ever. I think maybe price is right or wheel of fortune