Q&complAints #485 : Sitcom Family

Which TV sitcom family would you choose to be a member of?

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. . .here are my thoughts.

Which TV sitcom family would you choose to be a member of?

Modern Family takes place in Los Angeles.  Takes place … took place.  The series wrapped, but it’s in syndication, thus will live on for a long while.  The family structure of this group is anything but normal by standards of past decades.  We have divorce; gay marriage; adoption of a foreign baby by a homosexual couple; a gorgeous foreign woman marrying a much older, wealthy man; thus, a step-daughter older than her step-mother; 3 siblings with such diverse intellectual capacity as to strongly hint toward maternal infidelity; an uncle and nephew of the same age; etc.  But more than anything, a whole lot of love.  The whole while, this love is interspersed with Festivus levels of airing of grievances.  There’s never a need to sugarcoat feelings or opinions.  Confrontations between family members are constant.  These unique family dynamics produced 11 seasons of brilliant, whip-smart humor—one of the best sitcoms of all time!  I’d choose to be a member of this crazy-ass family where I could say whatever to whoever and have everything work out in the end.  Doubt they have room for another cis white dude, though.

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1 thought on “Q&complAints #485 : Sitcom Family”

  1. I”d choose Happy Days. People were more down to earth. Doing something wrong was toilet papering a house, not shooting evrryone in sight because you feel wronged for almost everything.


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