Who is one person you wish you never met?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! I’d love a comment from someone I’ve never met.
Who is one person you wish you never met?
“Never meet your heroes.” Once built up to near perfection—a burden no human deserves— they’ll inevitably disappoint. After meeting a hero, you’ll yearn for that simpler time when reality hadn’t yet conflicted with your conceptualization of the individual. Poker pros have been the extent of “famous” folks I’ve come across. I’ve never really talked with any of them, though. I did have dinner at a restaurant next to Andy Bloch—a Full Tilt Poker team pro—without uttering a word to him. I was with my brother, while Andy was dining with a female companion. It was one of those joints where the tables are so close you can’t be blamed for accidentally grabbing their drink while eavesdropping on their “private” conversation. A couple years later Black Friday occurred, essentially shutting down Internet poker in the States. Full Tilt held millions of dollars in players’ funds for 3 years before finally beginning the repayment process. In retrospect, I’m glad I never spoke a polite word to that poker professional. Andy Bloch and that Subway sandwich I credit for giving me food poisoning years ago—heroes I wish I never met!