If you talked in your sleep, what would you say?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
If you talked in your sleep, what would you say?
There are a lot of acronyms. Many are quite obviously forced. Take LASER, for instance: Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. That’s not a terribly forced one, but it does have those puny prepositions spoiling its perfection. LASER began as an acronym, but soon became a full-fledged word all on its lonesome, losing the capitalization: laser. The spunky little dreamer got all it ever wanted. There’s a physics experiment consisting of two distinct pairs of 4-kilometer tunnels: LIGO (Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory). The phrase “gravitational wave” is not hyphenated in everyday writing. What, you don’t write “gravitational wave” in your day-to-day writing? The acronym really should have been LIGWO. I definitely prefer LIGO, though; it rolls off the tongue just that little bit cleaner. After all, I do enjoy overusing hyphens. Intriguingly, the acronym LASER is contained within the acronym LIGO. Thus, the four measly letters of LIGO ultimately stand for Light Amplification By Stimulated Emission Of Radiation Interferometer Gravitational Wave Observatory. The name LABSEORIGWO is nearly as long as one of those tunnels! Equally intriguing, LABSEORIGWO sounds exactly like something I’d say if I talked in my sleep.