What would you display on your desk to demonstrate you were an important CEO?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Be your own boss … you self-important bastard.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What would you display on your desk to demonstrate you were an important CEO?
The Appeal to Authority Fallacy—the belief a claim is true simply because an authority figure says so—is rampant. You’ve heard of FOX News, right? My wife and I are watching Better Call Saul. We recently saw the episode where Mike takes to heart his faux role as Security Consultant for Madrigal Electromotive and enters the premises on the sly with a stolen badge. Mike grabs a random clipboard ASAP. He then makes a stop in the break room to grab a coffee and eye the selection of community donuts. Heading into the warehouse, Mike dons a hard hat and vest, looking authoritative enough to commandeer a golf cart to continue his surveillance. When an older dude with a hardhat, vest, clipboard, and lack of personality drives his lazy ass around in a golf cart, the pungent fragrance of authority follows not far behind. He interacts with numerous employees, yet is only questioned as to if he’s yet signed the greeting card for a “fellow employee.” If I were a CEO, I’d leave a clipboard on my desk as a sign of my unquestionable importance.