If you were caught stalking someone, who would be your prey?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! If you comment on every post, you will look a little stalkerish.

. . .here are my thoughts.
If you were caught stalking someone, who would be your prey?
I get all—well, most—of these questions from a board game I won’t reference by name. I’ll continue to answer its 1,000 questions—including this rather loaded question—until I get through them all. That’s both a promise and a threat. If I get a question from you, dearest reader, I’ll shoot it up near the top of my still lengthy list. Just type it into the Comments & Suggestions Page and soon enough I’ll give you something masquerading as an answer. Is it just me, or is the use of prey in the question rather suggestive of criminal sexual activity? Homicidal even? Or God forbid, both! I suppose the lesson here is, if you’re going to stalk someone, don’t get caught. Even better, go back to step 1 of your master plan and do a complete rethink. If you don’t like questions about crime and violence, shoot me 3 new questions every week about rainbows, or unicorns, or the like. As for the loaded question[s] of who to stalk, though, the whole process seems like far too much of an investment. Ain’t nobody got time for that!