What is the most expensive thing you wish you never bought?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Or tap away on that ridiculously expensive cell phone of yours.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the most expensive thing you wish you never bought?
Megan—the $10,000 AI robot in the film M3GAN (Model 3 Generative Android)—leans hard into the Uncanny Valley, creating eerie, uneasy feelings within biological humans. She (if such a term is appropriate) is this generation’s HAL, representing AI’s potential for negative consequences. Megan might even be the embodiment of the Paperclip Maximizer—a thought experiment involving a robot programmed with the sole objective of producing paperclips. The AI develops faster, more efficient ways to make paperclips, eventually killing humans and using trace metals within them to further their programmed goal. The robot would remain so steadfast in its objective that it’d ultimately devise a way to turn itself into paperclips once all other options were exhausted. Megan’s primary objective, however, is less paper-binding, more child-rearing and protecting. But she takes her goal just as seriously! The movie shows Megan responsible for the death of a dog and four humans, all of which she believed were endangering the safety of her paired human. All this for only $10K. The expensive M3GAN robot makes me think of something I wish I never purchased: that paperclip-sized house on E. Pacemont Rd.