What sports team do you wish would never win another game?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What sports team do you wish would never win another game?
I recently read Fantastic Numbers and Where to Find Them: A Cosmic Quest from Zero to Infinity. The title leads one to believe it’s about numbers, both large and small. To an extent, it is. The author, Antonio Padilla, is an English theoretical physicist and cosmologist. So even if the book hides under the guise of numbers, it’s really about aspects of his professional study. Despite Padilla supporting Liverpool Football Club, I (an Everton fan) enjoyed his book. He writes as the final entry in his “Acknowledgements” section:
“As a Liverpudlian, there is one number that matters more than any other. It’s the number 97.”
Most football fans will recognize 97 as the number of Liverpool supporters crushed to death in the 1989 Hillsborough Disaster. A truly fantastic number! Fantastic, in this sense, differing from the “extraordinary size or degree” meaning in the book’s title. The worst sporting disaster in British history—97 dead, 766 injured—fits the “difficult to believe and unlikely to happen” definition. Difficult to believe, yes; but it did happen. Despite the tragic loss of life, my wish remains that Liverpool never win another game.