What is the meanest thing you can tell somebody?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Please be nice; I’m very sensitive.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the meanest thing you can tell somebody?
We all have groups of people we instantly lose respect for. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not talking anywhere close to Nazis levels of hatred. Nobody should possess that level of hostility. I merely mean a lower level of initial respect—what an Ohio State fan feels toward anyone wearing maize and blue; or what an Adidas advocate feels toward a Puma adherent in parts of Germany. What is it with the Germans? I recently added anyone with an Apple device to my disrespect list. An extreme reaction perhaps, but MLS Season Pass on Apple TV+ really pissed me off recently! They offer an ON/OFF option for showing scores of games in process or concluded. A great feature, yes. But these dumbasses set the default to ON. And, apparently, whenever the site goes down—which it did during the Columbus Crew game—the default resets to ON. When I returned the next day to watch a replay, Apple told me perhaps the meanest thing possible: the final score! Be careful if you plan to watch a movie on Apple TV+. The trailer they offer might actually be the film’s climactic scene.