What is a strange thing to bring to a restaurant?
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. . .here are my thoughts.
What is a strange thing to bring to a restaurant?
I should be a much bigger fan of whodunit movies and novels since the genre thrives on unnecessary, misleading, irrelevant elements. I love irrelevance. To hell with Chekhov’s Gun: if there’s a gun displayed on the mantle in the first act, it must go off in the third. The film, Till, inverted the trope, showing a rifle in the second act that failed to go off in the first. What do you think about that, Chekhov? That rifle could never have been used to stop two White men from abducting 14-year-old Emmett Till. Southern White men in the 1950s were worse than big city mafias. Gangsters had cops on their payroll to help them elude arrest. Those lynching bastards down South were guaranteed to have a judge and 12 peers—all with similar melanin density—protecting them from conviction. Emmett’s first mistake was not removing the stock photo of that pretty, White woman from his new wallet. If such a picture comes with your new wallet, remove it immediately! It’d be a strange thing for your date to glimpse as you pull out your credit card to pay for dinner.