What do you think will be the next popular catch phrase?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! Resistance is futile. Just do it!

. . .here are my thoughts.
What do you think will be the next popular catch phrase?
“It only hurts till the pain goes away.”
My father uttered this mantra quite often. While it may not be the most comforting of axioms, it’s certainly one of the truest. That is, unless you include phantom pain—in which case, we’re into a really questionable area. Is it really pain if it’s occurring in a part of your body that’s no longer there? I’d answer yes. After all, pain is whatever the experiencer says it is. I don’t exactly know who will bring this phrase into the limelight it so richly deserves. Once it arrives, though, it’ll become so commonly said that 10 syllables will be too many to repeat ad nauseam. Altogether unnecessary, as well, because once anyone arrives at hurts, everyone will know they’re headed right on through to away. Much the same way that “Too long, didn’t read” became TLDR, and “Fear of missing out” contracted to FOMO, so too will “It only hurts till the pain goes away” become IOHTTPGA. Rolls right off the tongue! Just don’t confuse this catch phrase with the infamous Information Officer for the Holier Than Thou Professional Golfers’ Association.
That phrase is really true.