What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! You’re laughing right now just thinking about it; please share.

. . .here are my thoughts.
What is the funniest movie you have ever seen?
I Love You Man was never highly touted, undoubtedly playing a substantial role in my enjoyment of the film. I had no expectations; the film could stand on its own humorous merits. There’s a concept in psychology I’m highly influenced by: anchoring. This cognitive bias is often a manipulative tactic employed to start a negotiation. Sellers set prices of homes or automobiles artificially high, allowing room to negotiate down. The buyer gets a sense they finagled a good deal, while the seller still earns a tidy profit. The same effect applies to movies, books, TV shows, or your daughter’s piano recital. She brags for two weeks that “It’s gonna be so awesome!” Regardless of whether she set that anchor sky-high or not, you were always going to be bored and fall asleep. Use your poor parenting as a teaching moment about not anchoring others with such lofty expectations in the future. As a form of an apology, watch a Blu-ray of I Love You Man with her. The Paul Rudd and Jason Segel outtakes will give you a lifetime of shared laughs. I just ruined it; you’re bound to be disappointed.
🤣😂 So funny.
Nothing to Lose
I didn’t know Tim Robbins could be funny.