Aside from a tent and sleeping bag, what is essential for any camping trip?
Post your answer in the LEAVE A COMMENT section below. I’m not the boss of you, though. Don’t write anything for all I care! But you’re already camped in front of your computer, so why not?

. . .here are my thoughts.
Aside from a tent and sleeping bag, what is essential for any camping trip?
Some people love romance films. Solemn folks prefer tragedies. Adrenaline flows for many watching adventure flicks. But who doesn’t fancy the educational experience of an occasional documentary? Cram all four together and you have Fire of Love. We begin this 2023 Best Documentary Feature Oscar nominee being told the married volcanologists will be dead by film’s end. After their fiery meet cute, but before the tragic conclusion, lies a plethora of explosive adventure in this informative documentary. For instance, I learned that categorizing volcanoes is a bit of a fool’s errand—they should all be judged on their own merit. Volcanoes can, however, be broken down into two broad categories: red and gray. Red volcanoes are far less deadly, occurring when tectonic plates pull apart, lava flowing up through cracks in the Earth. Gray volcanoes, on the contrary, are extremely dangerous! Plates converge and tension builds until the eventual explosive, deadly eruption of debris, ash, and pyroclastic flow engulf the surrounding area. Red or gray—doesn’t matter. It’s essential that no volcanoes are within a 100-mile radius before my tent is pitched or sleeping bag unrolled.
something to start a fire and bug spray
Bug spray and a lighter … sounds like you’ve got a flamethrower.
A cot, foam air mattress, & electricity.
An air mattress on a cot? Okay?!